A great way to try unique bean varieties, explore new ways to cook with beans and meet the farmers who are bringing them to your plate!
Ship Dates are Jan 15, April 15, July 15, Oct 15
You can order Bean Boxes as a one-time purchase (you will still receive it on the quarterly schedule). Or you can subscribe and save 5%!
Your first box ships in the next quarterly installment after your order date. For example, if your subscribe in May, you will receive yours on July 15th.
Each quarter, you will receive a digital Recipe Booklet (see below) that includes recipes, more information about bean types and who is growing them.
If you subscribe you will receive an invoice on the 1st of the month and you have 10 days to pay it in order to continue your subscription. Cancel anytime!

To make changes to your subscription, please visit https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/7sI7sU4GB2V08N27ss. Here you will be able to create an account with your email so you can pause or cancel your subscription as well as update payment information. If you would like to change your subscription from a Little to a Big or vice versa or are having trouble creating an account, please contact us at orders@vermontbeancrafters.com
Recipe Booklets
Each quarter we create a new recipe book to go with your Bean Box. The recipe booklet equips you with recipe ideas and stories of the beans and the farms they come from. One aspect that makes this Box different is our source transparency. You will know where each bean is grown and harvested and by whom.
Click to view:
2023 Autumn Recipe Booklet
2023 Summer Recipe Booklet
2023 Spring Recipe Booklet